Farm Reading

We are big readers, and books and blogs have played a major role in inspiring us to pursue farm life and informing our farming practices and philosophy. We continue to get great ideas and pep talks from what we read, so we're sharing some of our favorites with you!

Big-Picture Books

Fast Food Nation - Eric Schlosser

Gardening at the Dragon's Gate - Wendy Johnson

The New Farmer's Almanac - The Greenhorns

The Omnivore's Dilemma - Michael Pollan

The Radical Homemaker - Shannon Hayes

The Revolution Will Not Be Microwaved - Sandor Ellix Katz

The Unsettling of America - Wendell Berry

Unique Maine Farms - Mary Quinn Doyle

Farming Books

The Lean Farm - Ben Hartman

Northeast Cover Crop Handbook - Marianne Sarrantonio

The New Organic Grower - Eliot Coleman

The Organic Farmer's Business Handbook - Richard Wiswall

Organic Soil Fertility and Weed Management - Steve Gilman

Resource Guide for Organic Insect and Disease Management

Seed to Seed - Suzanne Ashworth

Sustainable Market Farming - Pam Dawling

Whole-Farm Planning  - Elizabeth Henderson and Karl North

The Winter Harvest Handbook - Eliot Coleman


A Year in a Vegetarian Kitchen - Jack Bishop

How to Cook Everything Vegetarian - Mark Bittman

Local Flavors - Deborah Madison

Moosewood Restaurant Cooks at Home - The Moosewood Collective

Preserving Summer's Bounty - Rodale Press

The Tassajara Bread Book  - Edward Espe Brown

Vegan Brunch - Isa Chandra Moskowitz

Vegan Pie in the Sky - Isa Chandra Moskowitz

Vegan Planet - Robin Robertson

Wild Fermentation - Sandor Ellix Katz

World Vegetarian - Madhur Jaffrey 

Blogs by Farmers & Homesteaders

Ben Hewitt

Essex Farm - Kristin Kimball

The Radical Homemaker

Blogs about Farming and Farm Policy

High Mowing Organic Seeds' Blog

MOFGA News Feed

National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition

National Young Farmers Coalition

The Ruminant (also a podcast!)

Small Biz Survival (not farm-specific, but good info for all rural/small-town businesses)

The Irresistible Fleet of Bicycles - The Greenhorns


Farmer to Farmer Podcast